Transformation Nation
The Vision
At Aspire Fitness, our motto is "creating active communities through innovative fitness." Our vision to create a village, a community or as we call it the "Transformation Nation" to empower people to become their best. We use fitness as an outlet to get people physical results, yet also helping them outside the gym. We believe in the five pillars:
Take a chance on fitness. You will never be sorry that you did.
It may just be the life-changing moment you've been waiting for...and we can give it to you.
Yours in Fitness,

Aspire Fitness
About Us
Our Mission
When we set out to create Aspire Fitness, we had a vision for creating a community that is focused on bettering the lives of our clients through fitness. Fitness impacts every aspect of your life, from physical to emotional to social, and our trainers truly believe that all things can be achieved through fitness. We love seeing our clients’ lives transform due to their hard work and commitment to changing their lifestyle. Most importantly, we love helping our clients find their “why.” You have to know your why to stay dedicated to a fitness regimen. Ask yourself:
1. -What outcomes do you want or expect
2. -Which of these is the most important
3. -Why is that so important
Let’s sit down and answer these together. Give us a call or click [www.aspirefitnessky.com/contact] to set up your initial consultation.
Client Spotlight Of The Week
Double Trouble
This week's Client Spotlight is double packed with attitude and zeal, a power duo who's dedication to fitness is unrelenting and unquestioned. Through many personal events, they always show up and give full effort. Congratulations to Jane and Susie, @aspirefitnessky favorite pair #aspire #allthingsthroughfitness #transformationNation

At Aspire, we train a variety of clients from every walk of life. From athletes to CEOs, young professionals to baby boomers, we do it all. We strive to offer the best, client centric service in the industry. We Aspire to Inspire. We are Aspire.

130 W Tiverton Way Suite 125, Lexington, KY 40503